One of the reasons I find writing so difficult is that I don’t like showing off. I always wonder if there’s some long forgotten incident from my childhood where I was showing off and the whole room laughed. I don’t recall anything, but I have a deep distaste that means I don’t like asking for attention.
So far I haven’t promoted this blog in any real way. I’ve told one person. He suggested I tweet the posts when they went up, since I have a few Twitter followers. I quickly agreed – that sounded like the right thing to do if I wanted to get more people reading.
Of course I haven’t. Right now I’m focussing on writing. Maybe once I get past the fear of blogging I can work on the fear of promoting.
As a guy who runs a business, I don’t do nearly as much work talking myself up as other business owners do. Maybe we would grow faster as a company if I did, but despite being a huge extrovert, I suddenly turn bashful when it comes time to brag a little.
We certainly have lots to brag about. We build cool products, do good work, have a reasonably sustainable business, etc. I’m living the dream, but I’m fighting my instincts right now – I want to go back and delete that last sentence so badly.
For today, I’m leaving it here. And for today, that’s enough.