Launching Codeless

So, it finally happened.  My team and I got Codeless into the App Store.

I started writing Codeless off the side of my desk in 2015.  I had a couple weeks between projects, and I thought there was no way this could take more than a couple of weeks to prove the concept.  Here’s the oldest screenshot I could track down from July 30, 2015.

C74A0255 9196 4713 8DCB 3D0EE6D559BE 1 105 c

These days, it looks more like this:

Simulator Screen Shot  2nd gen iPad Pro  2020 05 12 at 01 21 26

It’s just beginning, but I think it’s gotten pretty good.  If you’re into app design and you’ve got an iPad, give it a download and tell me what you think!

P.S.: Thanks to Adam, Brendan, Jen and Owen.  This thing wouldn’t exist without you all.